Shane Mitchell

UrbanPeer director

Shane Mitchell

UrbanPeer director


Shane Mitchell - UrbanPeer director

Shane is a business strategist in collaborative applications of technology, the future of cities, communities and global innovation ecosystems.

Shane is Director of UrbanPeer Ltd, with leadership experience in global, and start up enterprises, recently leading Internet of Things programmes at the Digital Catapult in the UK, advising industry players and governments on their smart cities strategies and engagement with entrepreneurs and innovators.

Shane has also developed public service innovation and city strategies and led the development of Cisco’s Internet of Everything strategies in its global open innovation and strategy group. He also co-founded TechResort CIC in the UK, and speaks at peer forums and conferences all over the world, and as an advisor to governmental organizations on: open data, IoT, sensing platforms, and how technology can enable the social life of communities.